Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I have been working on using Affirmations in my daily life. I do feel a difference when I use them and my thought process does shift. Here are some of the ones I am trying to incorporate daily. I got these all from Carol Tuttle's Blog

17 Affirmations 
(Here are the ones I really like click the link about for the complete list)
  • “I am experiencing lots of energy and vitality.”
  • “I am seeing the good in all of the events of my life.”
  • “I am grateful to be alive.”
  • “I am attracting people who are safe and respectful.”
  • “I am experiencing money flowing easily into my life.”
  • “I am free of debt.”
  • “I am creating more and more of what I want effortlessly.”
  • “I am assisted by the powers and spirits of heaven.”
  • “I appreciate myself and others do too.”
  • “I am experiencing my life as simple and easy.”
  • “I share myself easily and I am understood.”
  • “I am comfortable moving forward with my life.”
  • “I am successful.”
  • “I am making a difference.”
  • “I am creating more experiences that generate feelings of joy!” 

Just in time for summer 23 Affirmations to help you be healthy!
(Here are the ones I really like click the link about for the complete list)
I am healthy and lean.

I love myself, I love my body, and fat just disappears.
I look nice; I am active; I am enough; and I count.

I am my ideal weight.
I feel great in my clothes.
I enjoy exercising several times a week.

I can let down my walls.
I am proud of my body; it did what I told it to do.
My body’s natural state is to be lean.

I am fulfilled.
Food is a resource I manage wisely.
My metabolism works great.
My body knows what to do with what I give it.
I am patient with my body as it learns new habits.

Others notice how great I look and feel.
My organs are relieved of overwork.
I am slim and trim.

My body responds to my thoughts.
I am physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually balanced and healthy.
I am whatever I think and feel I am.

Start affirming and creating what you want in your life!

Write to you soon,